Vilde Kolstad

Use of pulse oximetry during resuscitation of 230 newborns – a video analysis

Guidelines recommend the use of pulse oximetry (PO) during newborn resuscitation. At Stavanger University Hospital, we wanted to evaluate (i) to what extent PO was used, (ii) the time and resources spent on application of PO, and (iii) the proportion of time with a useful PO signal during (routine) newborn resuscitation. Resuscitation was captured on video in 230 cases. PO was applied in 97% of these newborn at median (quartiles) 60 (24,58) seconds after placement on the resuscitation table. The application was time-consuming involving median two healthcare providers. The proportion of time with a useful PO signal during ventilation and during the first ten minutes on the resuscitation table was 5% and 35%, respectively.