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Danieli: The first baby saved

Danieli was not breathing when he was born. With the newly implemented Safer Births project, a young nurse at Haydom Hospital had been trained in the Helping Babies Breathe program. She dried the baby, suctioned, and stimulated him. Still, he was not breathing, so she started ventilations. After continuous ventilation, Danieli became the first baby resuscitated in the Safer Births project.

Danieli survived.

Baby Eliwaza

Baby Eliwaza did not breathe at birth. Midwife Sabrina had been trained in Helping Babies Breathe, and as part of the Safer Births project, and she practices newborn resuscitation regularly. Sabrina detected a slow heart rate and immediately started ventilations. Like many other babies at Haydom Hospital, Eliwaza survived.

Baby Gloria

When Baby Gloria was born, she was not breathing. Her mother, Regina, also needed help. Part of her placenta was retained and it caused her to bleed heavily. Her midwife had been trained as part of the Safer Births program at Haydom and knew what to do. Both Regina and Baby Gloria survived.


Mother Reziki

After Mother Reziki gave birth to her twins, she began bleeding heavily. She lost a lot of blood. Thankfully, her midwife had been trained as part of the Safer Births Bundle of Care program and knew how to identify and manage postpartum hemorrage: the leading cause of maternal deaths, globally. Edina Morris, Reziki’s midwife, drew on her regular, hands-on simulation training to gather support from the medical team required to manage the PPH. Reziki survived. 


Veronica’s Baby

Veronica’s baby was born with the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck. The baby was not breathing. Valentia, a nurse trained through the Safer Births program, took immediate action. She placed the baby on the resuscitation table, applied the NeoBeat heart rate meter and began ventilation. Thanks to Valentina’s skills during the critical first minute – The Golden Minute – the baby began to breathe. Discover the full story on YouTube.