The 2nd annual stakeholder meeting for the Safer Birth Bundle of Care program in Tanzania was held on March 25th, 2023. Discussions included the promising lifesaving impact and cost-efficiency shown to date, and how this could be further enhanced as the program is scaling further in the next phase.

The meeting took place at “the birth place” for Safer Births; the Haydom Lutheran Hospital. More than 50 stakeholders from the partner organizations participated, including high-level representation from the Tanzanian and Norwegian governments.
Encouraging field visits
On the way to Haydom, the group visited four of the now 30 hospitals implementing the Safer Births Bundle of Care program. The local health workers shared how the program is being implemented at these sites and how they now use their own local data to drive the weekly quality improvement through team-based simulation training.

New data presented on impact and cost effectiveness
In the annual meeting, the research team presented data up until February 2023, showing continued positive trends of maternal and newborn mortality reduction in the various regions. Updated estimates were also presented for the cost-effectiveness of the program.
For a summary of the results presented and lessons learned so far, see the Safer Births Bundle of Care – May 2023 update.
Also check out the video below, captured at the annual stakeholder meeting and including comments by the Deputy Minister of Health in Tanzania and the Regional Medical Officer in one of the implementing regions.