The Safer Births Bundle of Care (SBBC) program is implemented in 30 hospitals in five regions in Tanzania. It is funded by the Global Financing Facility and implemented in collaboration with the national health authorities (Ministry of Health and President’s Office, Regional Administration and Local Government Tanzania).
Two years in, results show promise that the goals of the program are within reach. Recently, a TV channel in Tanzania – ITV, featured an update on the impact of the SBBC program in the Manyara region.
As reported by ITV, health professionals in Manyara region have successfully saved over 100 newborns and 25 pregnant women who would have died prior to the project due to lack of timely complication management. The implementation of the Safer Births Bundle of Care project (SBBC) in Manyara has helped improve services for pregnant women and children, helping providers to combat preventable deaths. And the country is noticing.

“What really pleases us is that since this initiative began to be implemented in our Manyara region, which started in June 2021, we have already witnessed the lives of 120 newborns and 25 mothers being saved. Therefore, we are very happy about this, and we see that it is a very opportune time to expand this initiative to other regions, and already this initiative has been implemented in four regions.”
Dr. Ntuli Kapologwe,
The Director of Health, Social Welfare, and Nutrition from Tamiseni
Watch the news clip below to learn more about the impact of SBBC implementation in the region.