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Dr. Jørgen Linde presents at Norwegian research competition

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Dr. Jørgen E. Linde, one of the Safer Births PhD fellows, presented his research project at the “Forsker Grand Prix,” the national championship competition for researchers in Norway.

Jørgen’s presentation “When life is a breath away” was nominated by the audience and the jury as the winner from the Stavanger Region, leading him to represent his work at the final competition in Bergen this fall.  Linde’s presentation included his findings on how his study showed that giving higher volumes when ventilating than the guidelines recommend produces better outcomes.  He also spoke about the importance of using heart rate as a form of feedback during ventilation and various techniques that can be used to optimize bag and mask ventilation.  The judges gave Jørgen’s presentation the top score, and emphasized how important they felt his research was.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]